
I'm by no means a professional, but these are the works I'm most proud of.

A blank page sits before me

A blank page sits before me

Tabula rasa. A clean slate.

I want to create

But it's far too late for me to

start something new.

* * *

My mind chatters with endless muses

long turned mad from being

unable to express what they must.

* * *

My eyes shut yet my ears open.

They whisper to me. Always.

I listen but I let them down with

messy prose.

* * *

'What is it you want from me?'

I ask the page.

It asks of me the same thing.


'Dearly missed'

'Dearly missed' the plaque says.

Who was he? What did he do?

I walk past it every day.

Is this all his life amounted to?

Two benches overlooking a road.

Grey landscape, stale air,

Crushed under the uncaring machines

That demand blood for a 'fair'


I think of the plaque.

'Dearly missed' it says

Quite clearly, he isn't missed here


I give you a strawberry

Phase I: Childhood

I give you a strawberry.

It is sweet, round, and juice dribbles down your chin when you bite into it.

We laugh and stuff ourselves with them,

Then roll down the springtime hills covered in fresh blossoms.

* * *

Phase II: Adolesence

I give you a strawberry.

You consider it then cautiously taste,

Your head jerks back at the curiously sharp flavour.

A frown spreads across your face and you discard the rest.

* * *

Phase III: Adulthood

I give you a strawberry.

You wholeheartedly take a bite,

Smiling as its sugar warms your mouth.

We share the rest together under the falling leaves.

* * *

Phase IV: Old Age

I give you a strawberry.

You savour the familiar flavour,

Sweet yet sharp, the same as always yet forever changing.

For isn't this the nature of all things?


An autumn walk

Pale grass 'neath my feet.

Fresh air through these diseased lungs.

Why can I not sleep?

**Stamps ETC**

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