
She's still a work in progress

Duchess is a persian cat/squid hybrid creature and part of a race of feline/sea creature hybrids that I haven't decided the name on yet. She was the princess of her home planet before it was raided by the hyper-capitalist company StellarTech, drawing on my partner's love of StarSector.

With the planet's natural resources depleted, StellarTech kidnapped whoever they thought useful and discarded the rest, leaving Duchess' planet totally razed. While on a StellarTech slave transport ship she was rescued by Ashari, space pirate queen, lynx/octopus hybrid and my partner's fursona.

All of Duchess' people were freed and taken to a nearby planet on which Ashari's crew helped them to establish new lives. Duchess herself was drawn to the charismatic and free spirit of the pirate queen and they soon ended up in a relationship with Duchess becoming a valuable member of the intelligence team.

**Stamps ETC**

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